Pat Donahue - Road to Kingdom Come

Out on the road Last Night
I saw a terrible fight
Somethin’  ‘bout who was right
And who was wrong
Nobody cared who won
We all had our fun
Out on the road to Kingdom Come

On up along the rise
They’re sellin ‘ truth and lies
Whatever the buyer buys
The truth becomes
Til’ it don’t matter none
It’s look out for Number One
Out on the road to Kingdom Come

Out on the highway side
Over the Great Divide
Knowing the endless night has just begun
It’s such a lonesome drive
How can a soul survive
Out on the road to Kingdom Come

I saw a love so great
I saw the strongest hate
I felt the aweful weight
of choosing one
I saw hope and despair
Playing truth or dare
Out on the road to Kingdom Come

There’s no highway sign
There’s no light to shine
You can lose your mind
If you have one
You better hope and pray
You can find your way
Out on the Road to Kingdom Come

So long yesterday
And that lost highway
You can never stay
Where you came from
Into the great unknown
You got to go alone
Out on the road to Kingdom Come
Out on the road to Kingdom Come


KN Interpretation

With a metaphor of the highway Pat Donahue laments of the “Great Divide”
between the societal wasteland of religious and political views, the machine’s power & influence on vulnerable, ignorant souls in an endless, futile pursuit of truth, right, & wrong.

The song’s contrast is a folksy, lightly bluesy, melodic tune against an understated, yet powerful, lyrical expression of angst and inner conflict. The songwriter poignantly culminates the song’s message with a “warning” of muddling through the falseness, finding one’s own truth, routing our own safe journey into the great unknown. 

DB Interpretation

Strikes at the tension and vastness between lost and alone, light and darkness, hope and despair, now and eternity -- really gets you beyond the daily grind of life's everyday little hassles. Almost crushes you with feeling alone and lost in the universe, no one cares -- and then brings up with you finding your own road and seeing a great love and a great hope. In a microcosm this is the battle within our own hearts - love and hate, truth and lies, lost and found. Great stuff!!


Pat Donahue is widely  recognized in the Twin Cities. A wonderful musician & songwriter, he’s connected to Prairie Home Companion, and also with Red House Records/St. Paul.  While he plays the big theatres like Fitzgerald, etc., we discovered that you can find him periodically playing under an alias at places like Dunn Brothers on Grand Avenue.